
Feathered Scales

Category: Physical

A coat of feathers that covers the dragon’s body. You may choose to leave the head and/or the legs bare, including just portions of them, free of feathers. They should not resemble thick fur or protofeathers. The feathers will have roughly the same length along the body. They will not form plumes or manes without the appropriate trait.

Feather and Fur Tips

The difference between feathers and fur can get very tricky with varying styles. Here is the general rule when drawing feathers. It will have the same flexibility as paper being pulled in the wind. This means paper makes for a very good reference in how feathers bend and fold. Feathers will generally move together and flow in the same direction, with the body. They will not wave in opposite directions or bend in more than one spot.

Common Interactions

  • Accents - These affect the scales within the normal range.
  • Skittertint - Skittertint does not affect base scales.
  • Scalestain - Scalestain may create stylized feathers that bend in odd ways or resemble plumes/manes. The coverage is determined by the base of the feathers affected.
  • Loremark - Loremark can remove scales where it touches. When long feathers are affected, only the base counts toward the coverage.
  • Tattered - Tattered may cause feathered scales to show shredding or even have patches missing. Patches will be small, no bigger than the size of the dragon's head, and never affecting more than 1/6th of the dragon.
  • Surgical Kit - Surgical Kit may remove feathered scales and reveal smooth skin underneath.
  • Transparent Skin - Feathers will not grow on top of transparent skin. However, the edges might have feathers that extend a bit over the trait.
  • Pollen - Pollen affects scales normally.
  • Display - Display will not affect the base scales.
  • Extensions - Extensions does not affect feathered scales. To create manes/plumes/similar structures, you will need to use Scalestains.
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